Serialized Immersion Glass Thermometers from VEE GEE Scientific

Serialized Immersion Glass Thermometers


VEE GEE Scientific's Serialized Immersion Glass Thermometers are Encapsulated in FEP. These are ideal for use in laboratories, universities, food/beverage, environmental, wastewater, and many other general-purpose applications requiring serialization. In the event of breakage, the FEP coating contains the broken glass and liquid fill, preventing injury or contamination.


Key Features:

  • FEP Encapsulated
  • Wide variety of temperature ranges available
  • Blue-liquid fill keeps operators safe
  • White-background glass allows for clear viewing
  • Approximate length: 12 inches (80704E and 80904E are 15 inches)
  • Serialized to ensure fulfillment accuracy
  • Ideal applications include laboratories, universities, food/beverage, environmental, and wastewater

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